If you have a serious medical concern such as a leaking heart valve, you will not go to a friend or colleague to resolve your problem. You immediately will call a well-respected cardiologist to begin the process of understanding and resolving your concern. Likewise, and, while it may appear to be a bit self-serving, today’s Deal Note® topic is to discuss why you, as a seller or potential seller of a middle market aerospace and defense company, should use a professional M&A advisor who specializes exclusively in selling A&D companies. 

Much as you would want your selected doctor to have worked extensively in cardiology, you would want your selection of an M&A advisor to have had many years of experience in the aerospace and defense industry. You also would want that your M&A advisor to have successfully closed on many transactions, have positive reviews (references) from prior clients (patients), and have sufficient capacity (patient load) to give you the attention you need while selling your company. This is identical to the process of selecting the cardiologist who has considerable experience in dealing with your cardiac condition.

Another key reason to hire an experienced sell-side A&D advisor to assist in selling your company is to ensure that they have deep long-standing and highly respected relationships with the buyers in the aerospace and defense industry. This is analogous to your selected doctor having a wide network of specialists and colleagues to draw upon to assure the most current technical and medical resources are being used in treating your condition.

We believe that we have made the point. If you have a serious cardiac condition, call a qualified and experienced cardiologist.

When you sell your middle-market A&D company, hire a qualified and experienced M&A advisor.

Have a great day everyone, 

Bruce Andrews